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FAITH: Beware of the Little Faith!

Writer's picture: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Little faith does not please God! Little faith does not do miracles! You have faith, keep it and let it continue to grow. You have faith, that's why in the first place you go to God in prayer because you BELIEVE that He will do something!

California Fires: God’s judgements have begun in USA and around the globe!
When God is about to grow your faith, He will allow you to go through impossible situations, even set them up!

In testings and trials, you must pray and God will do miracles for you. You must pray, whether you see answers or not, you must pray. In due time, God will answer you. When you see God's miracles, your faith will grow and go to another level... but you need to remember to guard your faith because faith is a delicate treasure that the devil wants to steal from you.

Your great faith is a delicate treasure. A treasure that you can have today but if not guarded, tomorrow it can be shaky. Keep your great faith by not being moved by your surroundings, by what you see but choose to continually stand upon the Word of God. Be constant in firmly standing upon the Word of God. In Matthew 15:29-39, the disciples had seen Jesus multiply food, feeding over four thousands in a desert with only 7 loaves of bread and a few fish. They saw food multiply before their eyes, they saw the miracles and marveled and praised God!

But the next day when a new trial came and it is like they completely forgot what their eyes had witnessed not too long before. They found themselves without bread, they began to talk lack, they bean to worry about what they would do, they began to talk among themselves that they had no bread, they began to wonder what they would eat and what would happen... There, Jesus warned them of little faith (the faith that worries, the faith that is double minded - believing one moment and not believing the next second...) and He gave them a secret to guard their faith!

"But Jesus, aware of this, said, “You men of little faith, why do you discuss among yourselves that you have no bread? Do you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets full you picked up?" (Matthew 15:8-9)

Remember what the Lord has done for you before. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He will do it again. Understand that God does the impossible always. Remember that that if He did it before, He will do it again!

The heart of man is often quick to forget what the Lord has done. "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons." (Deuteuronomy 4:9)

And so before His departure, during the Passover, the Lord tells us to eat the body and to drink the blood, as a way of REMEMBERING Him and what He has done for us. 'Do this in remembrance of me'.

The reason why many people lose their salvation and deliverance is because they forget where there Lord took them from. They forget what the Lord has done for them. Those who forget what the Lord has done for them will perish! Never forget what the Lord has done for you! NEVER FORGET THAT JESUS LOVES YOU AND THAT HE DIED FOR YOU!

Faith is the password to miracles Part 2
California Fires: God's Judgments have begun

Faith is the password to your miracles Part 1

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