My name is Christine Coleman. I am the senior pastor of Blazing Holy Fire since January 2008. In 2004, God baptized me in the Holy Spirit and Fire. In 2006 after being interviewed by Sidroth and following a good season of seeking the Lord diligently, God launched me into a full time ministry. 2009 while on a 40 days fast, church members began to come to prayer every day without being asked. Since then, nightly prayers never stopped. We gather every night to intercede for the whole world. In 2013, the Lord Jesus appeared and talked to us for a period of one year. We are a vibrant church that believes in the Holy Book from Genesis to Revelation. We practice the Word. We believe in the Holy Spirit and we all receive Him and speak in tongues as we pray. We daily see great miracles, signs and wonders.
Trained End Times Army: This is a place also where Jesus trains His army. The Lord calls us His Special Forces, Royal Holy Warriors whom he has trained (still) for many years. I am blessed that you stopped by to visit. No one comes to this site by accident. I am amazed at what God will do in your life and I cannot wait to meet you in person. If you are in town, we would love to fellowship with you! Thank you! God Bless You & Grant You Abundant Life!
Our Sundays Night Revival
OUR HOLY FIRE REVIVAL began in the summer of 2013, when 12 prayer warriors that met nightly to pray, began having face to face encounters with Jesus. At first, one of them was caught up to the throne of God and was given a letter to the church and to every prayer warrior. From then on, great visitations from Jesus began to take place in our midst every night. Jesus visited us and spoke to us face to face, answered our questions and shared His heart and the great love He has for humanity; In Him, we saw such an unconditional love that is deeper than any ocean, wider than any sky, and bigger than the universe. Jesus said “My love is so deep, you cannot wrap your mind around it.” After training us for a whole year, the Lord released us to go and be His hands to reach and touch His children and bring forth a revival that will set the whole world ablaze. The Lord taught us to mimic everything we saw in Him. In our revival, and in every service, we follow the way He has shown to us.