Delivered From Smoking and All Addiction
A powerful testimony this week! A brother who has been smoking for 20 years and was addicted to other things was delivered. It was his birthday and the Lord had promised,
I will deliver you. Before the deliverance, this brother had just given his life to the Lord and committed to come to prayer. The Lord changed his life in many ways, but there was one thing that the brother could not do. No matter how much he wanted and tried, he could not stop smoking. At church, he would slip out and have a smoke. The day of his birthday, the Lord said I will deliver you. We had him in a deliverance session. The Lord showed us which demonic powers were controlling his life and the Lord revealed the identity of these demons. After leading him into repentance, we released the power of God inside of him. This power wiped out every demon of addiction! The morning after, this brother had lost appetite to smoke! When he came to prayer, he had not touched a cigarette nor did he have the desire for it. It has been almost one week, this brother is free from smoking and is pressing in getting closer to God through prayer.
Indeed, “It was for freedom that Christ died to set us free” Galatians 5:1

Delivered From Irritable Manifestation During Worship
A beautiful family came to our ministry from out of state seeking deliverance.
Their 4 year old son could not worship and he did not want anyone around him to worship or play anointed music. When anointed music was played, the little boy manifested for as long as the music lasted. He was ok with other music, just not this kind. Saturday night when worship started and we began holy worship, the little boy began to cry uncontrollably. He covered his face with his hands and did not want to look as he cried. This was not fake tears, but real tears came rolling down and he was agitated and had manifested. We prayed over him, but there was not much relief. The pastor led him in a prayer to receive Jesus, but all the little boy could say, “I don’t want to!” When asked to repeat after the pastor, the little boy would say, “I don’t want to”. During the 30 minutes of worship, the Lord revealed the strongholds and demonic powers holding this boy in bondage. At the end of worship, pastor and the deliverance team, took the family to a different room. The parents stood in the gap repenting for the sins of their ancestors, bloodline, and generation. Witchcraft, rebellion, masonry, jezebel, and other spirits were cast out. The Lord granted a mighty deliverance.
Sunday Morning Service, the parents were there with their children. A major shift had noticeably taken place. The first song played and the little boy looked like an angel, praying with his hands together. During the whole service, he was a different man. That day he received the gift to dance and by the time they left, the little boy was leading in worship, dancing, and praying in tongues. The whole family experienced great transformation. We are glad they made this decision to come because they received tremendous deliverance.
Even though it might cost you to get to where freedom is, remember that God sees all that price and what you pay to get to Him. Indeed our Lord is mighty to save and He will deliver you as well. Where there is a willingness to surrender to God, demons cannot stand.