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Praying in Spirit and in Truth (Part 2)

Writer's picture: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire


My dear friend, it makes a great difference when you pray knowing you have company. You pray thinking, Jesus is right here, I cannot leave Him here and go somewhere in my mind. Get rid of the mentality that thinks Jesus is somewhere far from you. But pray, thinking and knowing and saying "Jesus you are right here with me. What are you wearing tonight, Lord? I am really curious! How do you really look like today, I want to see you in the splendor of Your majesty." Say the likes and engage in a conversation with Him. This looks childish but it will make a difference in your prayer life! Oh, if we believers knew how much we would accomplish, if we knew how to keep our mind focused on Him the whole time we are in prayer!


Now I am teaching you one on one prayer. You are in the inner room, in your prayer closet - this is not about corporate prayer. But how can you come in agreement and in unity if this is about private prayer? Voila, that is a good question. My friend, this is about your mind, your soul, your heart, your body and spirit. Bring yourself together as one - i.e bring your thoughts, your heart, your soul and everything within you in unity. This means, do not err in your mind so you pray with your lips saying one thing while your heart is thinking something different. "These people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far away from Me, but in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men." When you learn to discipline yourself and bring your thoughts in agreement with His word, your prayer, soul, heart and spirit - your prayer will soar to another level!


Listen as you pray. Make sure, what you pray with your mouth, your mind, soul and heart are in agreement - this is how you stop from erring in prayer. Draw your heart near to God. If you cannot do this, watch and see where your thoughts are going in prayer. Are your thoughts taking a trip to the mall, grocery store, school or work place? If so, you need to sit down and sort your priority and tell Him "Lord, you are my treasure. This is prayer time, I give myself fully to you." Your mind is erring because there is another treasure! Tear down all idols, tear down all other treasure and make Him your only true treasure. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be. This might require you from time to time, to do a warfare prayer on yourself. That means, you loose from yourself anything that is a distraction or a false treasure. If you need help doing this, please let me know in the comments I can explain more and help you in some ways.

MEDITATING upon the scriptures as your pray and always, will draw your closer to God because He is the Word - when you meditate on the Word, you are drawing near to God. Draw near my friend, with a sincere heart, having repented of your sins and having been washed by the blood of the Lamb of God.

Remember, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and to those who are crushed in the spirit (Ps 34:18). Testing and trials are meant to bring us closer to Jesus and that's why the Lord allows them.

Thank you. Part 3 will come soon. Please share with everyone everywhere. The devil will be in huge trouble if we prayer warriors truly knew how to Pray in Spirit and in Truth. May God bless you immensely. Remember to share.

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